Well I am senior at Ernest Righetti High School. This is my last year of being forced to do something that I am not interested. After this I will be able to do whatever I want and enjoy. Which is to attend cosmetology at Paul Mitchel. At first that wasn't even on my mind. As a kid many of us would say a pro this or that. Which is awesome if you want to still do it and are very talented if you make it and I hope who ever wants this accomplishes it. I have changed my mind so many times as i was growing up like; a chef, a baker, a police officer, a doctor, a clinic forensic psychologist. Something that makes a lot of money. But later on in my life I received amazing advice from my father. Which was "Do something that makes you happy. Not that makes a lot of money." Which I sat there to take it in and I realized he was right. He continued and asked me, "Would you rather do something you love and enjoy and doesn't even feel like you're getting paid. Or would you want to dread to go to work and be miserable?" Well that was an obvious answer UMM be happy! Duh! What I came up with was doing hair which I love doing and I do it everyday anyways. Well that is part of my master piece and a part of me.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vocab 6

Accolade-  an award or privilege.
- Last year I got an ACCOLADE for having a 3.0 and higher GPA.
Acerbity-  sharp.
-My mom told me the knife was ACERBITY but I didn't listen.
Attrition-  action of gradually reducing in size.
- Exercising everyday was my ATTRITION to losing weight.
Bromide-  unoriginal remark or idea.  
- Mostly everything is BROMIDE.
Chauvinists-  a person who believes one gender is superior to the other.
-I know some guys who they think they are CHAUVINISTS.
 Chronic- constant.
- My mom was CHRONICALLY yelling at me about everything.
 Expound-  to explain or interpret. 
- Dr. Preston does a good job at EXPOUND when you don't understand something.
Factionalism-  relating or belonging to a faction.
 Immaculate-  perfectly clean or neat.
- My friend is OCD and everything has to be IMMACULATE to her.
 Imprecation-  a spoken curse.
- In the movie the Mummy there is an IMPRECATION.
 Ineluctable-  unable to be avoided.
- When your in trouble you know its INELUCTABLE to avoid your parents.
 Mercurial- sudden change in mood or mind.
- I am bi-polar so I am MERCURIAL.
 Palliate- make less severe.
- There are safety equipment for sports so it is PALLIATE.
 Resplendent-  impressively colorful.
- The rainbow is REPLENDENT.
 Stigmatize-regard as worthy of disgrace.
 Sub Rosa- confidently, secretly.
- A lot of people are SUB ROSA about their life.
 Vainglory- excessive vanity.
 Vestige- trace or visible evidence.
-At a crime scene investigators look for VESTIGE.
 Volition- power of using one's will.
- Some times I use my dad's VOLITION against my mom's.
obsequious: obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree.

beatitude: supreme blessedness.

bete noire: a person or thing that one particularly dislikes.

bode: be an omen of a particular outcome.

dank: disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold.

ecumenical: representing a number of different Christian churches.

fervid: intensely enthusiastic or passionate, esp. to an excessive degree.

fetid: smelling extremely unpleasant.

gargantuan: enormous

heyday: the period of a person's or thing's greatest success, popularity, or vigor.

incubus: a male demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women.

infrastructure: the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g., buildings, roads, and power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.

inveigle: persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery.

lagniappe: something given as a bonus or extra gift.

prolix: (of speech or writing) using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy.

protege: a person who is guided and supported by an older and more experienced or influential person.

prototype: a first, typical or preliminary model of something, esp. a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.

sycophant: a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.

tautology: the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style (e.g., they arrived one after the other in succession ).

truckle: a small barrel-shaped cheese, esp. cheddar.

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